Friday, January 15, 2010

Prolegomenon Influx

I've grown up in the far reaches of the globe, a fabric of woven reality and imagination whispering to me during my time of existence. Experience flavored like that of a Five-Star hotel meal, my five senses lustfully savoring every second of it. Though one can argue whether the ancestors of our past or the wealth of sense while we age are the means to how we grow and how we live, at the end of it all the only thing that seems to cross our minds is who we are, why we are, and what the hell are we going to do about what we are at this very moment.

I currently reside in the depths of a nation which prides itself in shared emotions and passions. I grew up in a life that allowed me to globe trot the world under a father whose services to his nation required a great measure of "here and there". My life has taken me to three continents under the citizenship of one, and the ethnicity of two.

I am an American Citizen born to a family of two cultures. I am a child under the mother of a South Korean and the father of an American.

I've been to Europe, America, and Asia in selected locations. My time in life has molded me to be a certain person in the past, and the person before you presently writing to all who read now. That very time will come to mold who I will be in the future.

My many cultural influences are in the likes of Germany, where culture is more open minded and unrestricted compared to other countries in the world. My influences come from the likes of the United States, where prize of innovated thought and provoking competition bare claw and tooth, fighting one another to take whatever man or women to the generosity of the nations prosperity or the whine and bickering to a "failed Democracy". My influences come from the likes of South Korea, where hard work, passion, and a sense of unity unlike any other country in the world has made it the fastest country to have grown in our entire history as a human race. A leading example of potential for those who think they can't inspire to be something more.

In time, I will choose to reveal more of myself, but for the most part I wish to provoke the mind of not only myself, but others who may eventually come across my passages of abnormality or conventional thought.

I have created this in the hope that I could shed my barriers, tear down the walls, and unleash whatever hidden into the cyber coded network of white blanks. Those willing to read my writing hopefully find enjoyment and amusement in the possibilities of thought which my writing may represent. Have a good laugh or two to anything I speak of in everyday life.

I am Jason Burden.

I am here to share my wealth of abstract thinking.

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